The solution is right in front of us

Dear Friend of the Foodbank,

Hunger in our community is growing. But the solution is in our hands. Food in Vermont is abundant. We just need help acquiring and delivering it to those in our community who are hungry.

DonateHunger in our community is unacceptable. Together we can do something about that. When we all work in partnership, we can reach those in need.

At the Vermont Foodbank, we partner with hundreds of member agencies to distribute food to those in our community who are hungry. Last year we distributed 9 million pounds of food right here in Vermont! But we didn’t do it alone. You helped with your generosity.

Currently, one in four Vermont children is at risk of hunger, and thousands of people risk missing a meal every day. Our neighbors need our help… and we need yours. Will you help with a gift to the Foodbank today? Every $10 donated, helps provide enough food for 30 meals.

The solution is right here in front of us. Please help so we can get it to those who need it now.

Gratefully yours,

John Sayles

Vermont Foodbank

Chief Executive Officer

PS: You can give online, simply and easily, here.