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The Point to Point, powered by VSECU, is a cycling and running event to raise money for the Vermont Foodbank. Get outside, have fun, and ride or run to fight hunger in Vermont.

With one in three Vermonters struggling to put food on the table, the Vermont Foodbank needs support more than ever. Registration is just $20. All participants will receive an event t-shirt, gift bag, and have a chance to win fundraising and contest prizes. All funds raised will go directly to help Vermonters in need.

This year’s event will be a hybrid virtual and in-person event. Participants can choose from a variety of cycling and running distances, including century (100 miles), metric-century (66 miles), and 25-mile road rides; a 40-mile gravel ride; and half-marathon, five-kilometer, and one-mile runs. Riders and runners can follow the provided routes or pick their own to ride or run virtually. We’ll also safely welcome participants to the State House Lawn on Saturday, August 7, for fundraising awards and Level 2 registration benefits.

Help us reach our goal of $200,000. Register today and learn more about the Point to Point, powered by VSECU, at thepointtopoint.org.

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