23 04, 2024

Simple Sauteed Asparagus

2024-04-23T08:43:01-04:00April 23rd, 2024|Cooking With VT Fresh|

Asparagus, the flavor of sunshine and spring. Asparagus, asparaguses or asparagi, no matter how you say it, now is the time for these lovely green shoots. Easily recognizable for their spear like shape, asparagi have a buttery sweet flavor with a hint of earthy bitterness. Our recipe for Simple Sauteed Asparagus is easy to prepare and a great way to add sunshine to your day.
10 06, 2022

Ginger Lemon Garlic Asparagus

2022-06-10T08:56:11-04:00June 10th, 2022|Cooking With VT Fresh|

Our Ginger Lemon Garlic Asparagus recipe brings together 4 distinct flavors that when combined create an experience that is sure to wake up your senses!  In this dish the bright green flavors of asparagus are elevated by adding grated ginger, minced garlic, and a squeeze of lemon. The flavor profile of this recipe pairs easily with any protein making it the perfect side dish. The minimal prep and cook time make it convenient; the flavor makes it a winner!
12 04, 2022

Grilled Asparagus

2022-04-12T12:24:24-04:00April 12th, 2022|Cooking With VT Fresh|

Asparagus, Vermont's fancy vegetable! Harvested in spring and early summer, this perennial (lives for 12 or more growing seasons) requires little more than fertile, loose, well-drained soil to plant its roots, and a good 8 hours of full sunlight each day. Grilling is a great way to enhance the delicate, bittersweet, grassy flavor of asparagus by caramelizing the natural sugar with a smoky char. Check out our quick recipe for Grilled Asparagus.
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