23 04, 2024

Simple Sauteed Asparagus

2024-04-23T08:43:01-04:00April 23rd, 2024|Cooking With VT Fresh|

Asparagus, the flavor of sunshine and spring. Asparagus, asparaguses or asparagi, no matter how you say it, now is the time for these lovely green shoots. Easily recognizable for their spear like shape, asparagi have a buttery sweet flavor with a hint of earthy bitterness. Our recipe for Simple Sauteed Asparagus is easy to prepare and a great way to add sunshine to your day.
11 04, 2024

Baked Cabbage Stacks

2024-04-11T11:40:38-04:00April 11th, 2024|Cooking With VT Fresh|

If you’re like me sometimes you open your produce drawer to find small amounts of this and that; not quite enough to make a single ingredient side dish but certainly enough to inspire a recipe. That’s what happened here. A cabbage on hand, a handful of mushrooms, a couple of carrots, an onion or two and a few panty staples inspired this dish. I served the Baked Cabbage Stacks over steamed rice and topped with a fried egg. Lots of flavor, nicely balanced and enjoyed by the family; another dinner done!
27 03, 2024

Roasted Rainbow Radishes

2024-03-27T13:33:41-04:00March 27th, 2024|Cooking With VT Fresh|

Roasted Rainbow Radishes are a burst of sunlight on a rainy day! Purple daikon and watermelon radishes pair up in this beautiful roasted radish dish. A drizzle of olive oil, and a sprinkle of salt and pepper is all it takes to make this rainbow appear. Purple daikon and watermelon radishes are part of the winter radish family; winter radishes are sowed in late summer or early fall and take 8-10 weeks to mature and are ready to harvest before winter sets in, making them perfect for winter storage.
26 02, 2024

Peberrod Beetroot Salad

2024-02-26T09:55:20-05:00February 26th, 2024|Cooking With VT Fresh|

So why the name Peberrod Beetroot Salad? Peberrod, pronounced “pyoor-rood”, is the Danish word for horseradish. I named this salad in honor of a lovely woman who hailed from Denmark; she introduced me to the amazing combination of beetroot and horseradish in the late 80’s, and I continue to use this combination to this day. Thank you Julle! Our simple recipe takes only 10 minutes to make and is guaranteed to brighten your plate.
12 02, 2024

Berry Green Smoothie

2024-02-12T14:11:36-05:00February 12th, 2024|Cooking With VT Fresh|

What is purple and green and spins round and round? A Berry Green Smoothie, of course! Smoothies date back to the 1930's with the invention of the blender; early recipes for fruit smoothies can be found in Waring "Blendor" cookbooks of the 1940's. However, it is commonly Steve Kuhnau who is credited with making smoothies popular in the 1960's in Southern California and can now be found everywhere, but beware, commercial smoothies can often be loaded with added sugar. Blending your own is the best way to customize the nutritional profile and limit added sugars. Have fun and remember, vegetables and fruit make the perfect blend.
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