30 01, 2015

Changing the Food Environment at Food Shelves

2017-11-08T16:16:25-05:00January 30th, 2015|About Hunger, Food Shelves & Meal Sites, Vermont Foodbank Programs|

The Vermont Foodbank aims to increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables at food shelves by offering VT Fresh cooking demonstrations and taste tests at selected sites. A primary goal of VT Fresh is to support participating food shelves in increasing their capacity to handle more fresh produce and increasing the demand for fruits and [...]

17 04, 2014

VT Fresh: 11 sites, 5 goals, 14 strategies

2017-11-08T16:16:48-05:00April 17th, 2014|Food Shelves & Meal Sites, Vermont Foodbank Programs|

The Vermont Foodbank is piloting a nutrition education program, VT Fresh, in partnership with 11 Network Partner food shelves across the state. VT Fresh aims to increase access and improve availability of fresh fruits and vegetables at community food shelves. Vermont Foodbank staff and volunteers will be offering cooking demonstrations and taste tests 1-2 times [...]

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