28 11, 2015

Shared Abundance: A Story of 3SquaresVT Outreach

2017-11-08T16:15:50-05:00November 28th, 2015|About Hunger, Vermont Foodbank Programs|

Today's blog is written by Rachel Floyd, Vermont Foodbank 3SquaresVT Outreach Coordinator - AmeriCorps/VISTA Volunteer. Rachel shared this story with us about her work helping Vermonters all over the state, apply for 3SquaresVT, a federal nutrition program and the first defense against hunger.  For those of you who might not know what I do for work, [...]

26 11, 2015

Make the Season of Giving Last All Year Long

2015-11-25T15:43:29-05:00November 26th, 2015|About Hunger, Donors & Donations|

Tis the season of giving and nowhere else in Vermont is that more apparent than at the Vermont Foodbank. From November 20th-23rd, we'll be giving out 1,500 roasting chickens with all the “fixin’s” between our three distribution locations. Donations are coming in almost hourly, from families who want to help their neighbors to small businesses [...]

24 11, 2015

Pack to Give Back

2017-11-08T16:15:50-05:00November 24th, 2015|About Hunger, Donors & Donations, Events, Volunteers & Volunteer Opportunities|

Today's blog is written by Judy Stermer, Director of Communications and Public Affairs. Judy has worked for the Vermont Foodbank for 10 years and today, writes about Pack to Give Back.  During the last few days, the Vermont Foodbank has been handing out food boxes and holiday meal fixings to our friends and neighbors in [...]

22 11, 2015

Hunger in Vermont: Orange County

2017-11-08T16:15:50-05:00November 22nd, 2015|About Hunger, Food Shelves & Meal Sites|

Hunger in America is a series of quadrennial studies that provide comprehensive demographic profiles of people seeking food assistance through the charitable sector and an in-depth analysis of food banks around the country that provide this assistance. It is the largest study of its kind. In 2014, the Vermont Foodbank released Hunger in America 2014—surveying [...]

20 11, 2015

Hunger in Vermont: Lamoille County

2017-11-08T16:15:51-05:00November 20th, 2015|About Hunger, Food Shelves & Meal Sites|

Hunger in America is a series of quadrennial studies that provide comprehensive demographic profiles of people seeking food assistance through the charitable sector and an in-depth analysis of food banks around the country that provide this assistance. It is the largest study of its kind. In 2014, the Vermont Foodbank released Hunger in America 2014—surveying [...]

18 11, 2015

Hunger in Vermont: Franklin County

2017-11-08T16:15:51-05:00November 18th, 2015|About Hunger, Food Shelves & Meal Sites|

Hunger in America is a series of quadrennial studies that provide comprehensive demographic profiles of people seeking food assistance through the charitable sector and an in-depth analysis of food banks around the country that provide this assistance. It is the largest study of its kind. In 2014, the Vermont Foodbank released Hunger in America 2014—surveying [...]

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