Additional Resources

There are many different supportive resources available in Vermont. Below is a partial list of some commonly requested resources. Eligibility requirements vary by resource (and some have none), so be sure to look into each one carefully.

Photo of an older woman and a young girl shopping in a grocery store for bread.
Photo of an older woman and a young girl shopping in a grocery store for bread.

Do You Have Questions About These Resources?

Our friendly Vermont Foodbank team would be happy to help as best as we’re able. You can also call 211 to find out about more local resources near you.

Youth and Families

Universal School Meals

In Vermont schools, all students can enjoy free breakfast and lunch through Universal School Meals. If you complete the School Meal Application, your family can potentially qualify for additional benefits. Keep the “Letter of Eligibility” received after applying, as it serves as a key to accessing other benefits. Contact your school for the School Meal Application.


If you are pregnant, postpartum, breastfeeding, a caregiver, or parent with a child under five you may be eligible for WIC, the USDA Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). WIC provides food benefits, as well as other support services. WIC can be used to purchase a wide range of food. Apply to WIC online or visit your local office.

Summer Meals

Free prepared meals for kids 18 and younger are available at various sites like libraries, parks, camps, and schools throughout Vermont. Specific locations may change each summer. You can check this list starting in June or call 211.

Older Adults and People with Disabilities

Association of Area Agencies on Aging

Call the Helpline at 1(800)642-5119 to be connected to your local agency, which can provide lots of services related to being over 60 in Vermont including help with social security, health insurance, nutrition, home health services, housing, transportation and more. Find more information on the V4A website.

Meals on Wheels

Delivers free, hot prepared meals to the homes of people who have a hard time getting around or preparing food. If you are an older adult, call the helpline at 1-800-462-5119. If you are a person with a disability, contact Vermont Center for Independent Living at 1-800-639-1522.

Vermont Center for Independent Living (VCIL)

Provides services for Vermonters who are disabled, including help with Meals on Wheels, equipment, job support services, peer-to-peer counseling, home accessibility modifications and more. Find more info on the VCIL website or call 1-800-639-1522.

Home Heating and Utility Assistance

Green Mountain Power and VT Gas Energy Assistance Programs

Provides eligible customers with a discount off your monthly bill. If you are enrolled in 3SquaresVT or Fuel Assistance, you may automatically qualify. Find more information on the Agency of Human Services website, or contact your local community action agency for help applying.

Fuel Assistance

Pays a portion of eligible household’s home heating bills. Find more information on the Agency of Human Services website, or contact your local community action agency for help applying.

Community Action Agencies

Regional Community Action Agencies can be a good place to start when looking for financial stability, food resources, free tax preparation, and housing and energy assistance. They can either provide support directly or may be able to connect you with the right person or agency who can. Below is a list of each regional agency in Vermont.

Local Food Programs

Crop Cash

These coupons come free at participating farmers markets when you spend 3SquaresVT benefits at the market. NOFA-VT administers the coupons. Visit the NOFA-VT website to learn more and see participating markets.

Farm to Family

Free coupons to use at participating farmers markets. Coupons are distributed by WIC and regional community action agencies. Visit the Department of Children and Families website to learn more.

Intervale Center

A local food organization in Chittenden County that has a number of food access resources like the free Fairshare CSA program and more. Find more on the Intervale Center website.

More Resources

Vermont Legal Aid

Provides free civil legal help to eligible Vermont households and an informative website with information about common legal situations.

Health Care Advocate (HCA) Helpline

This free service of Vermont Legal Aid is available to anyone (no income limits). Check your eligibility for free and lower-cost health care, get help applying for health coverage, find out what your plan covers, and get help solving billing problems. Call 1-800-917-8878 or visit the Vermont Legal Aid website for assistance.

Free Tax Preparation

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) is a service provided through regional community action agencies. Learn more on the Vermont's Department of Taxes website.

Seasonal and holiday meals

Churches and community centers often offer holiday meals. Call your local church or community center to inquire. Or call 2-1-1 to find holiday meals in your region. Many food shelves offer holiday food boxes. Use our Find a Food Shelf locator to contact your local food shelf to find out if they offer holiday boxes.

Vermont 2-1-1

Still don’t see what you’re looking for? This phone helpline is available to everyone in Vermont and can connect you with a wide range of services and supports. Just dial 2-1-1.